Руководство по атмосфере: различия между версиями

Материал из Space Station 14 Вики
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== Что такое атмосфера? ==
==General Information==
=== Базовые понятия, что стоит держать у себя в голове ===
All gases can flow through the various pipes found in the game. Gas will always attempt to flow from higher pressure to lower pressure. If a gas is not in a pipe, canister, or tank, it will be in the atmosphere and will interact with other objects.
'''Стандартное давление на станции равно одной земной атмосфере''', то есть 101 325 Паскаля или 101,325 кПа в Международой системе единиц и в игровых обозначениях. Давление в пределах ±10 кПа от одной земной атмосферы никак не повлияет на человека или иное живое существо на станции, но при большей разнице в давлении человек и иные потребляющие кислород существа начинают задыхаться, а при разнице ±40 кПа также получают травмы из-за давления.

'''Атмосферные системы станции в игре автоматически выравнивают атмосферу к одной земной''', закачивая воздушную смесь в случае малого давления и выкачивая в случае избыточного, но этот процесс не настолько быстрый, чтобы станция всё время имела стабильную одну земную атмосферу без вмешательства атмостехника во время аварий. В общем, не бойтесь ставить закачку компонентов воздуха станции на максимум, система автоматически будет выравнивать его, и вы почти стопроцентно можете не беспокоится за низкое давление.  
Gas will always try to even out the pressure. For example, if a empty canister is connected to a pipe pressurized at 4500kpa, the canister will also only be pressurized to 4500kpa. If a canister pressurized at 9000kpa is connected to the same pipe, gas will flow out of the canister until a even pressure is acquired.

'''Большие пожары приводят к избыточному давлению''' ввиду расширения вещества и высокой генерации воздушного пара в пожаре. Этого следует опасаться больше всего, избыточное давление очень тяжело убрать со станции. Самый верный способ - создание контролируемых разгерметизаций в изолированных областях с высоким давлением.  
If pressurized pipes get unwrenched they will dump all of their contents into the surrounding atmosphere and will, depending on the pressure level, violently blow the wrench user away. You will know if you are unwrenching a pressurized pipe if you get the message stating "A gush of air blows in your face... Maybe you should reconsider?" It is good practice to always use your gas analyzer on every pipe before unwrenching to ensure it is depressurized.

'''Необходимый напор воздуха в баллоне для дыхания людей: 21,3 кПа.'''
All pipes can be unwrenched to disconnect them from others. By using a welder on a unwrenched pipe segment you can deconstruct it into steel.

'''Температурные нормы для атмосферы станции''' это 20 градусов по Цельсию или 68 градусов по Фаренгейту. Допустимое окно температуры это ±20 градусов по Цельсию или ±68 градусов по Фаренгейту от нормы, дальше этих рамок персонал станции, не снабжённый спец. одеждой, будет получать урон от холода или тепла.
A broken or unconnected segment of pipe WILL NOT allow gas to pass through. Do not worry about all your gas escaping out of a broken or unconnected pipe segment.
=== Труба ===
Итак, труба - это объект, в который поступает газ, чтобы он был доставлен куда-то.
=== Секретики Труб ===
Газ не течёт по трубам! Трубы как бы являются контейнером для газа, и, когда трубы связаны, они превращаются в большой контейнер - это и есть сеть труб. Газ течёт через насосы, а точнее насос заставляет его течь. Две несвязанные сети труб - это просто два больших контейнера.
[[Файл:Две сети труб.png]]

А вот когда между ними присутствует насос, газ начинает перемещаться между контейнерами.
Most pumps, mixers, and filters do not require power to function. Only air vents and scrubbers require power. You can shift-click on a segment to examine it to see if it is powered.

=== Насосики ===
==== Напорный Насосик ====
Самым популярным видом насосов является "напорный насос", его частое использование связанно с его простотой, а также функциональностью.

[[Файл:Напорный Насосик.png]] <br clear=all>
Allows gas to flow freely. Comes in four shapes. Straight, Elbow, 3-way-juntion, 4-way-junction.
{| class="wikitable"
! Image !! Name !! Description
| [[File:Pipe straight.png]] || gas pipe straight || A straight segment of pipe.
| [[File:Pipe elbow.png]] || gas pipe bend || A elbow segment of pipe.
| [[File:Pipe 3 way.png]] || gas pipe T junction || A three way junction segment of pipe.
| [[File:Pipe 4 way.png]] || gas pipe fourway || A four way junction segment of pipe.
<!-- add exotic box -->

Но у нашего напорного друга есть один секрет, с помощью напорного насоса можно задать точное значение давления газа. Он будет повышать его, и чем ближе значение текущего давления будет к нужному значению, тем меньше будет скорость изменения давления.
Pumps gas to the other side based on the set pressure. Blocks gas from passing through if toggled off.  
Comes in two varities:

==== Объёмный Насосик ====
[[File:Gas pump.png]]
Теперь тоже крутой бро всех атмосферников. Объёмный насос прекрасен для больших сетей труб, но его большой недостаток в производительности.
[[Файл:Объёмный Насосик.png]] <br clear=all>

==== Мусьё Клапан ====
[[File:Gas pump interface.png]]
Теперь крутой чел под именем "ручной клапан". Этот базированный лево-радикал поможет вам отрезать две сети труб. Когда он открыт - это одна сеть, а когда закрыт - две разные.

[[Файл:Мусьё Клапан.png]] <br clear=all>
Standard gas pump. Pumps gas along based on internal and external pressure. Has a maximum throughput of 4.5 Mpa.
Mostly used to act as a valve to allow/disallow gas to flow from one pipe to another. Works very well in high pressure pipes but looses effectiveness when the pressure is lower. Regular gas pumps are more effective in lower pressure systems but will lose efficiency as the volume of gas rises.

==== Пассивные Ворота ====
At lower pressures a gas pump is generally a better option at moving gas.
Наверное из названия вы поняли что существуют ещё и активные, но нет! Пассивные ворота вы не найдёте на станции, только если атмосферники не являются профи. Данный девайс имеет только 3 узкоспециализированных применения. Этот гигачад действует как насос и как клапан, он пропускает газ только в одном направлении. Чаще всего используется, чтобы уровнять количество газа между двух сетей труб. Но для этого можно использовать обычный клапан и насос. Так что именно это и используется в 99% случаев.

[[Файл:Пассивные Ворота.png]] <br clear=all>

=== Как же нам смешать и разделить газ? ===
[[File:Volumetric gas pump.png]]
==== Газовый СМЕСитель ====
Смеситель, как понятно из названия, смешивает газы. Работает он по процентному соотношению газов, ему можно установить значение выходного давления. Важно: из двух газов он делает смесь газов, то есть в него входят две трубы, а выходит одна труба.

<span class=sprite>[[Файл:Structures-Piping-Atmospherics-gasmixer.gif|96px]]</span> <br clear=all>
[[File:Volumetric gas pump interface.png]]

==== Газовый фильтр ====
Volumetric pump.
Газовый фильтр делает из одной смеси газов другую смесь и выбранный газ (или ту же смесь, если вы не выбрали фильтруемый газ или если в фильтр уже поступает только один газ). Первое, что следует помнить: фильтр не может фильтровать только часть газа, он выведет из смеси весь указанный газ во вторую трубу. Второе: в фильтр заходит одна труба, а выходят две.
Pumps gas along based of internal and external mole amount. Has a maximum throughput of 200 L/s.
Acts exactly like a gas pump but works off of mole amount instead of pressure. can move about twice as much gas compared to a regular gas pump if conditions are right.

<span class=sprite>[[Файл:Structures-Piping-Atmospherics-gasfilter.gif|96px]]</span> <br clear=all>
For extremely high pressure pipes a volumetric pump is generally a better option at moving gas.  

=== Как газ покидает сеть или наоборот закачивается туда? ===
In certain cases volumetric pumps are also better if you are using huge quantities of gas.
==== Скруббер ====
И вы такие: "Ебать копать, это та штука, из которой что-то выливается, когда ещё звучит оповещение или павуки лезут!" А я скажу, этот плохой парень будет преследовать вас везде. Скруббер высасывает газ из атмосферы в сеть труб, требует напряжение от НВ проводов для работы.

[[Файл:Скруббер.png]] <br clear=all>
==Manual Valves==
Acts like a switch that either allows gas to flow through, or prevents it from flowing through. Can be toggled on and off.  

==== Вентиляционное отверстие ====
Оно перекачивает газ из сетей труб в помещение, в котором оно находиться. Требует напряжение от НВ проводов для работы.

[[Файл:Вентиляция.png]] <br clear=all>
{| class="wikitable"
! Image !! Name !! Description
| [[File:Manual valve open.png]] || Manual valve open || A green light is open.
| [[File:Manual valve closed.png]] || Manual valve closed || A red light is closed.
<!-- add exotic box -->

==== Пассивная Вентиляция ====
==Gas Mixer==
Деграднувшая версия обычной вентиляции, не требует питания и не может быть закрыта. Существует только для того, чтобы связывать окружение и сеть труб. Не имеет ограничений по давлению и всасыванию газа.

[[Файл:Вентиляция.png]] <br clear=all>
[[File:Gas Mixer.png]]

=== Дистро (Дистрибутив) ===
[[File:Gas mixer interface.png]]
Дистро - это синие (обычно) трубы, которые отвечают за подачу свежего воздуха на станцию, они соединены со всеми вентиляционными отверстиями на станции или корабле.

Куда переходит Дистро.
A gas mixer is a fancy version of the gas pump. It allows you to combine the gas flow of two different pipes and mix them into a single pipe. The gas mixer will combine the contents of two different pipes and will give you the option of setting the percentage of throughput you want on each of the input pipes. The primary port will be parallel with the output while the side port will be perpendicular.

Gas mixers are essential for distro as the station's atmosphere is 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen.
Gas mixers are also used for the combination of two different gases to create a new gas such as a common burn-mix.

В Дистро подаётся воздух из воздушного фильтра.
If the gas mixer is toggled off then it will not allow any gas to flow through.  

[[Файл:Не фильтр.png]]
If both inputs are set to receive gas then both inputs must have gas flowing through them for the pump to work. For example, if the mixer is set to mix gas at a 80 to 20 ratio and the input pipe at 20% has no gas then the mixer will not allow the input pipe with 80% gas to flow through and vice versa.

Если мы проследим за линиями, которые идут из воздушного фильтра, мы увидим, что в него подаётся два газа: N2 и O2.
==Gas Filter==

[[Файл:Создание Воздуха.png]]
[[File:Gas Filter.png]]

Но вы скажете: "Йоу! А почему сюда поступает ещё и азот?" И вот ответ. Азот составляет почти 80% нашего земного воздуха, а если мы оставим только кислород, то получим кислородное отравление всей станции или корабля. Также азотом дышат слизнелюди, для их дыхания он необходим, как и необходимы баллоны с азотом вместо баллонов с кислородом.
[[File:Gas filter interface.png]]
Gas filters are another special type of gas pump. Gas filters are primarily used to extract a specific individual type gas from a pipe. They function similarly to the gas mixer, except they have one inlet port and two output ports. When gas flows through a mixer the selected gas to be filtered out will exit the perpendicular outlet port while all other gases will continue to flow down the parallel outlet port. If you wish to filter out more than one gas you will need to set up gas filters in series for each specific gas.
Gas filters are used to extract each individual gas from the waste loop. This ensures that only one type of gas is present in each specific gas holding tank. Gas filters are essential when you are trying to target and isolate a specific gas.
Gas filters do not require both outputs to be connected to function if there is no gas selected to filter or the filtered gas is not present. In this case the filter will act as a simple straight pipe segment. However, The filter will not allow gas to flow if the selected gas is present and there is no pipe connected to the perpendicular filter port.
[[File:Gas vent.png]]
Gas vents come in three varieties: Standard, Dual-port, and Passive.
All gas vents are solely used to move gas from pipes into the surrounding atmosphere.
Gas vents are commonly used in conjunction with the distro loop to distribute breathable air to the station. Gas vents and the distro system are responsible for replenishing the atmosphere on the station.
A standard air vent will only allow a maximum pressure of 101.3 kPa to flow. If the external pressure is higher than the limit, no gas will flow out of the vent. Requires power to function.
A dual-port air vent is exactly like a standard air vent but it has two inlet connection ports.
A passive air vent does not require power and will allow any pressure to flow in '''both''' directions depending on the internal and external pressures. If the internal, or pipe pressure, is higher than the external, or outside atmosphere, Gas will flow out. The opposite is true if the external pressure is higher than the internal pressure. Passive air vents are mostly used in the mix tank and [[Supermatter]] chamber where very high pressures are needed.
==Air Scrubber==
[[File:Air Scubber.png]]
Air scrubbers slowly suck gas out of the surrounding atmosphere and can be found spread around the station. Mostly used in the waste loop, air scrubbers will syphon gas out of the atmosphere and shunt it along the waste loop where the gas will then be recycled and filtered into the gas holding chambers.
Air scrubbers must be powered and connected to an outlet port in order to function. A properly functioning air scrubber will be glowing blue.
==Air Injector==
[[File:Air injector.png]]
Air injectors have one purpose. They simply exist to only allow gas to flow from a pressurized pipe into the surrounding atmosphere. This handy little tool are useful when you want to inject a gas into an area but not allow any backflow. usually used with a filter/injector combination to single out a specific gas and pump it into a holding chamber.
Air injectors have a maximum output pressure of 9000 kPa.
==Pneumatic Valve==
[[File:Pneumatic valve.png]] Pneumatic valves have three ports: control, inlet, and outlet. Like manual valves, pneumatic valves permit bidirectional flow between the inlet and outlet, but only if the pressure at the control port is high enough.
To turn a pneumatic valve on, the control pressure must be at least 1 atm higher than the lowest pressure connected to the pneumatic valve, i.e. the lesser of the inlet and outlet pressures. The direction of flow between the inlet and outlet is from higher to lower pressure.
The flow rate limit of the pneumatic value is linear (proportional to control pressure) in a small region above the on threshold. It then saturates at 200 L/sec.
===Design Examples===
'''Pressure Relief Valve'''
[[File:Pressure relief system.png]]
This pressure relief system drains the air inside to space if the pressure exceeds 1 atm, which can be used to guard against accidental station overpressure events. A passive vent inside (1) is connected to the control and the inlet. Another passive vent in space (2) is connected to the outlet. Since the outlet pressure is 0 kPa, then the pneumatic valve will only be on if the inside pressure exceeds 1 atm. When that happens, air from inside is transferred into space until the inside pressure is equal to 1 atm.
===Turning Completeness===
Pneumatic valves make [https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14/pull/10520 atmos turing-complete].
==Connecter Port==
[[File:Connecter port.png]]
Connecter ports are solely used to transfer gas from a pipe into a canister and vice versa. Wrench a canister on top of a connecter port to connect them. A connected canister will allow gas to flow until the pressure evens out.
[[File:Canister interface.png]]
Canisters are used to hold and transport gas. Drag a canister over to a connecter port and use a wrench to connect it. If the connecter port's internal pressure is higher than the canister pressure, gas will flow into the canister until the pressure evens out.
If the canister has a higher pressure gas will flow out until the pressure difference is even. Canisters can release gas in different ways depending on the situation. Gas will only flow out if the release valve is toggled open. If the release valve pressure is lower than the external pressure, no gas will flow out.  
* If the canister is wrenched to a connector port, gas will flow into the connector port.
*If a oxygen tank is inserted into a canister, gas will flow into the oxygen tank.
*If the canister is not connected to anything, gas will flow out into the surrounding atmosphere.
==Gas Miner==
[[File:Gas miner.png]]
Gas miners create new gas from nothing and are currently used to make sure the station has an infinite amount of a specific gas. Gas Miners come in different types and create different types of gas. A oxygen miner will create oxygen gas while a plasma miner will create plasma gas. Gas Miners can be found in Atmospherics inside each gas holding chamber.

Версия от 11:35, 20 ноября 2022

General Information

All gases can flow through the various pipes found in the game. Gas will always attempt to flow from higher pressure to lower pressure. If a gas is not in a pipe, canister, or tank, it will be in the atmosphere and will interact with other objects.

Gas will always try to even out the pressure. For example, if a empty canister is connected to a pipe pressurized at 4500kpa, the canister will also only be pressurized to 4500kpa. If a canister pressurized at 9000kpa is connected to the same pipe, gas will flow out of the canister until a even pressure is acquired.

If pressurized pipes get unwrenched they will dump all of their contents into the surrounding atmosphere and will, depending on the pressure level, violently blow the wrench user away. You will know if you are unwrenching a pressurized pipe if you get the message stating "A gush of air blows in your face... Maybe you should reconsider?" It is good practice to always use your gas analyzer on every pipe before unwrenching to ensure it is depressurized.

All pipes can be unwrenched to disconnect them from others. By using a welder on a unwrenched pipe segment you can deconstruct it into steel.

A broken or unconnected segment of pipe WILL NOT allow gas to pass through. Do not worry about all your gas escaping out of a broken or unconnected pipe segment.

Most pumps, mixers, and filters do not require power to function. Only air vents and scrubbers require power. You can shift-click on a segment to examine it to see if it is powered.


Allows gas to flow freely. Comes in four shapes. Straight, Elbow, 3-way-juntion, 4-way-junction.

Image Name Description
gas pipe straight A straight segment of pipe.
gas pipe bend A elbow segment of pipe.
gas pipe T junction A three way junction segment of pipe.
gas pipe fourway A four way junction segment of pipe.


Pumps gas to the other side based on the set pressure. Blocks gas from passing through if toggled off. Comes in two varities:

Standard gas pump. Pumps gas along based on internal and external pressure. Has a maximum throughput of 4.5 Mpa. Mostly used to act as a valve to allow/disallow gas to flow from one pipe to another. Works very well in high pressure pipes but looses effectiveness when the pressure is lower. Regular gas pumps are more effective in lower pressure systems but will lose efficiency as the volume of gas rises.

At lower pressures a gas pump is generally a better option at moving gas.

Volumetric pump. Pumps gas along based of internal and external mole amount. Has a maximum throughput of 200 L/s. Acts exactly like a gas pump but works off of mole amount instead of pressure. can move about twice as much gas compared to a regular gas pump if conditions are right.

For extremely high pressure pipes a volumetric pump is generally a better option at moving gas.

In certain cases volumetric pumps are also better if you are using huge quantities of gas.

Manual Valves

Acts like a switch that either allows gas to flow through, or prevents it from flowing through. Can be toggled on and off.

Image Name Description
Manual valve open A green light is open.
Manual valve closed A red light is closed.

Gas Mixer

A gas mixer is a fancy version of the gas pump. It allows you to combine the gas flow of two different pipes and mix them into a single pipe. The gas mixer will combine the contents of two different pipes and will give you the option of setting the percentage of throughput you want on each of the input pipes. The primary port will be parallel with the output while the side port will be perpendicular.

Gas mixers are essential for distro as the station's atmosphere is 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen. Gas mixers are also used for the combination of two different gases to create a new gas such as a common burn-mix.

If the gas mixer is toggled off then it will not allow any gas to flow through.

If both inputs are set to receive gas then both inputs must have gas flowing through them for the pump to work. For example, if the mixer is set to mix gas at a 80 to 20 ratio and the input pipe at 20% has no gas then the mixer will not allow the input pipe with 80% gas to flow through and vice versa.

Gas Filter

Gas filters are another special type of gas pump. Gas filters are primarily used to extract a specific individual type gas from a pipe. They function similarly to the gas mixer, except they have one inlet port and two output ports. When gas flows through a mixer the selected gas to be filtered out will exit the perpendicular outlet port while all other gases will continue to flow down the parallel outlet port. If you wish to filter out more than one gas you will need to set up gas filters in series for each specific gas.

Gas filters are used to extract each individual gas from the waste loop. This ensures that only one type of gas is present in each specific gas holding tank. Gas filters are essential when you are trying to target and isolate a specific gas.

Gas filters do not require both outputs to be connected to function if there is no gas selected to filter or the filtered gas is not present. In this case the filter will act as a simple straight pipe segment. However, The filter will not allow gas to flow if the selected gas is present and there is no pipe connected to the perpendicular filter port.


Gas vents come in three varieties: Standard, Dual-port, and Passive.

All gas vents are solely used to move gas from pipes into the surrounding atmosphere. Gas vents are commonly used in conjunction with the distro loop to distribute breathable air to the station. Gas vents and the distro system are responsible for replenishing the atmosphere on the station.

A standard air vent will only allow a maximum pressure of 101.3 kPa to flow. If the external pressure is higher than the limit, no gas will flow out of the vent. Requires power to function.

A dual-port air vent is exactly like a standard air vent but it has two inlet connection ports.

A passive air vent does not require power and will allow any pressure to flow in both directions depending on the internal and external pressures. If the internal, or pipe pressure, is higher than the external, or outside atmosphere, Gas will flow out. The opposite is true if the external pressure is higher than the internal pressure. Passive air vents are mostly used in the mix tank and Supermatter chamber where very high pressures are needed.

Air Scrubber

Air scrubbers slowly suck gas out of the surrounding atmosphere and can be found spread around the station. Mostly used in the waste loop, air scrubbers will syphon gas out of the atmosphere and shunt it along the waste loop where the gas will then be recycled and filtered into the gas holding chambers.

Air scrubbers must be powered and connected to an outlet port in order to function. A properly functioning air scrubber will be glowing blue.

Air Injector

Air injectors have one purpose. They simply exist to only allow gas to flow from a pressurized pipe into the surrounding atmosphere. This handy little tool are useful when you want to inject a gas into an area but not allow any backflow. usually used with a filter/injector combination to single out a specific gas and pump it into a holding chamber.

Air injectors have a maximum output pressure of 9000 kPa.

Pneumatic Valve

Pneumatic valves have three ports: control, inlet, and outlet. Like manual valves, pneumatic valves permit bidirectional flow between the inlet and outlet, but only if the pressure at the control port is high enough.

To turn a pneumatic valve on, the control pressure must be at least 1 atm higher than the lowest pressure connected to the pneumatic valve, i.e. the lesser of the inlet and outlet pressures. The direction of flow between the inlet and outlet is from higher to lower pressure.

The flow rate limit of the pneumatic value is linear (proportional to control pressure) in a small region above the on threshold. It then saturates at 200 L/sec.

Design Examples

Pressure Relief Valve

This pressure relief system drains the air inside to space if the pressure exceeds 1 atm, which can be used to guard against accidental station overpressure events. A passive vent inside (1) is connected to the control and the inlet. Another passive vent in space (2) is connected to the outlet. Since the outlet pressure is 0 kPa, then the pneumatic valve will only be on if the inside pressure exceeds 1 atm. When that happens, air from inside is transferred into space until the inside pressure is equal to 1 atm.

Turning Completeness

Pneumatic valves make atmos turing-complete.

Connecter Port

Connecter ports are solely used to transfer gas from a pipe into a canister and vice versa. Wrench a canister on top of a connecter port to connect them. A connected canister will allow gas to flow until the pressure evens out.


Canisters are used to hold and transport gas. Drag a canister over to a connecter port and use a wrench to connect it. If the connecter port's internal pressure is higher than the canister pressure, gas will flow into the canister until the pressure evens out.

If the canister has a higher pressure gas will flow out until the pressure difference is even. Canisters can release gas in different ways depending on the situation. Gas will only flow out if the release valve is toggled open. If the release valve pressure is lower than the external pressure, no gas will flow out.

  • If the canister is wrenched to a connector port, gas will flow into the connector port.
  • If a oxygen tank is inserted into a canister, gas will flow into the oxygen tank.
  • If the canister is not connected to anything, gas will flow out into the surrounding atmosphere.

Gas Miner

Gas miners create new gas from nothing and are currently used to make sure the station has an infinite amount of a specific gas. Gas Miners come in different types and create different types of gas. A oxygen miner will create oxygen gas while a plasma miner will create plasma gas. Gas Miners can be found in Atmospherics inside each gas holding chamber.