Готовка: различия между версиями

Материал из Space Station 14 Вики
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(Откат (картинки не умею =( ))
Метка: ручная отмена
Строка 1: Строка 1:
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<div style="margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
<div style="margin-bottom: 0; border: .2em solid; border-bottom: 0 solid; border-radius: .3em; border-color: #755406; text-align: center; background-color: #B77108;">
[[File:Wrench and crowbar.png|50px]]'''СТРАНИЦА НАХОДИТСЯ В РАЗРАБОТКЕ'''[[File:Wrench and crowbar.png|50px]]</div>
<div style="margin-top: 0; border-left: .2em dashed; border-right: .2em dashed; border-bottom: .3em solid; border-color: #755406; border-radius: 0 0 .3em .3em;">
* Редакторы вики ведут работу над данной статьёй. Ответственный [[Участник:Figleo | kcepokc#2939]]
* При желании, вы можете создать/войти в учётную запись и тоже принять участие в улучшении статьи.
* Текущие замечания: ----
* Рецепты актуальны на <b>16 мая 2023</b>
Данная статья по сути является справочником рецептом. За общей информацией, что из себя представляет роль шеф-повара, читайте [[Шеф-повар | соответствующую статью]]
== <center>Рецепты</center> ==
=== <center>Тесто и основные ингредиенты</center> ===
This is a bit complex due to the heavy styling, but just stick your recipe at the end and it'll center it and everything for you.
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Flour |
component-1 = {{RI Wheat}} |
transformer = {{Grinder}} |
result = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Dough |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RIDough}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cornmeal Dough |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Cornmeal|amount=15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Кукурузное тесто|image=File:Dough_Cornmeal.png}}|
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pie Dough |
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 12}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-3 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Pie Dough}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheese |
component-1 = {{RI Universal Enzyme |
amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 40}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Головка сыра|image=File:Cheese_Wheel.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tofu |
component-1 = {{RI Soy Milk | amount = 30}} |
component-2 = {{RI Universal Enzyme |
amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Tofu}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meatball |
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI UAP | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Meatball}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cake Batter |
component-1 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 12}}  |
component-3 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Cake Batter}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Vegan Cake Batter |
component-1 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Soy Milk | amount = 15}} |
component-3 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Cake Batter}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Dough Slice |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
transformer = {{Knife}} |
result = {{RI Dough Slice}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bread Bun |
component-1 = {{RI Dough Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave |
time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Bread Bun}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Butter |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 30}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Butter}}
=== <center>Хлеб</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Baguette |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-3 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Blackpepper|amount=5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Багет|image=File:Baguette.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Banana Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Banana}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Banana Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Corn Bread |
component-1 = {{Recipe Component|item=Кукурузное тесто|image=File:Dough_Cornmeal.png}}|
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Кукурузный хлеб|image=File:Corn_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cream Cheese Bread |
component-1 = {{RI Milk | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RIDough}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cream Cheese Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Мясной хлеб|image=File:Meat_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mimana Bread |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=MilkSoy|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Nothing|amount=5}} |
component-3 = {{RIDough}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tofu}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Хлеб Мимана|image=File:Mimana_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Sasuage Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Сосисочный хлеб|image=File:Sasuage_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Spider Meat Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component|item=Сырая паучья котлета|image=File:Spider_Cutlet.png|amount=2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Хлеб из паучьего мяса|image=File:Spider_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tofu Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Tofu}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Tofu Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Xeno Meat Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Xeno Cutlet | amount=2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Хлеб из ксено-мяса|image=File:Xeno_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Buttered Toast |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Тост с маслом|image=File:Buttered_Toast.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = French Toast |
component-1 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 12}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Сладкие гренки|image=File:French_Toast.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Garlic Bread Slice|
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Garlic}} |
component-3 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Garlic Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Jelly Toast |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Amanita Jelly}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Желейный тост|image=File:Jelly_Toast.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Two Slice |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Wine|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Slice | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Два ломтика|image=File:Two_Slice.png}}
=== <center>Бургеры</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Plain Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Бургер  |
  image = File:Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Ratburger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо крысы |
  image = File:Meat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Крысобургер  |
  image = File:Ratburger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Roburger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Конденсатор |
  image = File:Capacitor.png |
  amount = 2 }} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Робобургер  |
  image = File:Roburger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Soylent burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Соевые бобы |
  image = File:Soybeans.png |
  amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Сойлент бургер  |
  image = File:Soylent_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Spell burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шляпа мага |
  image = File:HatWizard.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Заколдованный бургер  |
  image = File:Spell_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheeseburger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Cheeseburger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Five Alarm Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
component-3 = {{RI Chili | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Острый бургер |
image = File:Острый_бургер.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Big Bite Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-5 = {{RI Onion Slice | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Big Bite Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chicken Sandwich|
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Mayo|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw Chicken Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Chicken Sandwich}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Duck Sandwich|
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Duck Meat}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Duck Sandwich}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Fillet -o- Carp Burger|
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Carp Fillet }} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Fillet -o- Carp Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Brain Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Мозг человека |
  image = File:OrganHumanBrain.png}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Брaйн бургер |
  image = File:Brain Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Appendix Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI OrganHumanAppendix}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Appendix Burger}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bacon burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Бургер с беконом |
  image = File:Bacon Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Baseball burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Бейсбольная бита |
  image = File:BaseBallBat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Хоум-ран бургер |
  image = File:Baseball Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cat burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Кошачьи ушки |
  image = File:Catears.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Котбургер |
  image = File:Cat Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Маска клоуна |
  image = File:Clown mask.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Clownburger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mime Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шапка мима |
  image = File:ClothingHeadHatBeret.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мим бургер |
  image = File:Mime_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tofu Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component|item=кусок тофу|image=File:Tofu_Slice.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Tofu Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Xeno burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun | amount = 1}} |
component-2 = {{RI Xeno Meat | amount = 1}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Xenoburger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bearger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bear_Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Bearger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Сurger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat_Corgi}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Curger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Сrab burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Crab Meat | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Краббургер |
  image = File:Crab_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Сrazy hamburger |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=OilOlive| amount=15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meat | amount = 2}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
component-5 = {{RI Chili | amount = 1}} |
component-6 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
component-7 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Зеленый мелок |
  image = File:Crayon_Green.png}} |
component-8 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Аварийный фальшфейер |
  image = File:Аварийный Фальшфейер.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Безумный гамбургер |
  image = File:Crazy_hamburger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Ghost burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Простыня-призрак |
  image = File:GhostSheet.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Призрачный бургер |
  image = File:Ghost_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Super Bite Burger |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 3}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 3}} |
component-6 = {{RI Egg | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 25}} |
result = {{RI Super Bite Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Human Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Человеческое мясо |
  image = File:Meat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Челбургер |
  image = File:Human Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Empowered Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плазма |
  amount = 2 |
  image = File:Plasma single.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Empowered Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Jelly Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Amanita Jelly}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Желе бургер |
  image = File:Jelly Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mcguffin |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Макгаффин  |
  image = File:Mcguffin.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = McRib |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Рёбрышки барбекю  |
  image = File:Ribs.png}} |
component-3 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Макриб  |
  image = File:McRib.png}}
=== <center>Пицца</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Margherita Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | }} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 4}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Margherita Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mushroom Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chanterelle |
amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave |time = 25}} |
result = {{RI Mushroom Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Meat Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Vegetable Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave |time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Vegetable Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Hawaiian Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Chicken Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Pineapple Slice | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Hawaiian Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Dank Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Dank Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Donk Pocket Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Donk Pocket Any Warm | amount = 3}} |
<!-- Currently only accepts original Donk-Pockets, not any flavour -->
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Donk Pizza}}
=== <center>Пироги</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Apple Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Apple | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Яблочный пирог|
  image = File:Apple Pie.png}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мясной пирог|
  image = File:Meat Pie.png}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Xeno Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Xeno Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Ксено пирог|
  image = File:Xeno Pie.png}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Banana Cream Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Banana | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Banana Cream Pie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Amanita Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Fly Amanita}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Amanita Pie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Grape Tart|
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Grape | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Виноградный тарт |
  image = File:Grape Tart.png}}
=== <center>Торты</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake Batter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cake}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Apple Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Apple |  amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Яблочный торт |
  image = File:Apple Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Carrot Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Carrot | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Морковный торт |
  image = File:Carrot Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lemon Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Лимон |
  amount = 3 |
    image = File:Lemon.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Лимоный торт |
  image = File:Lemon Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Orange Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Orange | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Апельсиновый торт |
  image = File:Orange Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lime Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Lime | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Лаймовый торт |
  image = File:Lime Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheese Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cream| amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Чизкейк |
  image = File:Cheese Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Маска клоуна |
  image = File:Clown mask.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Клоунский торт |
  image = File:Clown Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Birthday Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cream| amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Праздничный торт |
  image = File:Birthday Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chocolate Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плитка шоколада |
  amount = 2 |
    image = File:Chocolate Bar.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Шоколадный торт |
  image = File:Chocolate Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Brain Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Мозг человека |
  image = File:OrganHumanBrain.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мозговой торт |
    image = File:Brain Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Slime Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
item = Слизь |
  amount = 15 |
  image = File:Beaker.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Слаймовый торт |
  image = File:Slime Cake.png}}
=== <center>Печенье, вафли и блины</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pancake|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Pancake}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chocolate Chip Pancake|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плитка шоколада |
  amount = 1 |
    image = File:Chocolate Bar.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Chocolate Chip Pancake}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Waffles|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Soda Water | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Waffles}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Soy Waffles|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Soy Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Soda Water | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Soy Waffles}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плитка шоколада |
  amount = 1 |
    image = File:Chocolate Bar.png}} |
component-4 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Cookie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Sugar Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Sugar Cookie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Raisin Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Изюм "4no raisins"|
  image = File:4no raisins.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Raisin Cookie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Oatmeal Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Oats | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Oatmeal Cookie}}
=== <center>Итальянская кухня</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Boiled Spaghetti|
component-1 = {{RI Large Plate}} |
component-3 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-4 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pasta Tomato|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Spaghetti}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Spaghetti And Meatballs|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meatball | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Spaghetti And Meatballs}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Butter Noodles|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Butter Noodles}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chow Mein|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-5 = {{RI Egg}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Chow Mein}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Oatmeal |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Oats | amount = 15}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Oatmeal}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Boiled Rice |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Rice | amount = 15}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Boiled Rice }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Rice Pudding |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Rice | amount = 15}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 10}} |
component-4 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Rice Pudding  }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Rice And Pork |
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Rice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Rice And Pork }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Black-eyed Gumbo |
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Rice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Chili | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Black-eyed Gumbo }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Egg-fried Rice |
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Rice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-3 = {{RI Egg}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Egg-fried Rice }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Copypasta|
component-1 = {{RI Spaghetti | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Copypasta}}
=== <center>Стейки</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Steak |
component-1 = {{RI Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 115}} |
result = {{RI Steak}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Penguin Filet|
component-1 = {{RI Penguin Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Penguin}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Chicken |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Chicken Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Chicken}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Duck |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Duck Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 115}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Duck}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lizard Steak|
component-1 = {{RI Lizard Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Lizard Steak}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Filet Migrawr|
component-1 = {{RI Bear Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Filet Migrawr}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Crab |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Crab Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 115}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Crab}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Goliath |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Goliath Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Goliath}}
=== <center>Супы и рагу</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pelmeni |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 20 }} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meatball}} |
component-4 = {{RI Dough Slice| amount = 3 }} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Пельмени |
  image = File:Pelmeni.png | }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bisque |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-4 = {{RI Chanterelle}} |
component-5 = {{RI Raw carp fillet}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Bisque}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meatball Soup |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meatball}} |
component-4 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Meatball Soup}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Nettle Soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-4 = {{RI Nettle}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Nettle Soup}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Eyeball Soup|
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-5 = {{RI OrganHumanEyes}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Eyeball Soup}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Salty Sweet Miso Cola Soup |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component |
  reagent = Cola | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component|
  item = Мисо суп |
  image = File:Miso soup.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Солено-сладкий мисо-кольный суп|
  image = File:Salty Sweet Miso Cola Soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Hot Chili |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw cutlet | amount = 1}} |
component-4 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 20}} |
result = {{RI Bowl of Hot Chili}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cold Chili |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl of Hot Chili}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Nitrogen|amount={{{amount|5}}}}}  |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Bowl of Cold Chili}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown's Tears |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-4 = {{Recipe Component|item=BikeHorn|image=File:BikeHorn.png|amount={{{amount|1}}}}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Clown's Tears}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chili Con Carnival |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw Cutlet}} |
component-4 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-6 = {{ Recipe Component |
item = Клоунские ботинки |
image = File:Clown shoes.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{Chili Con Carnival}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Onion soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Onion Slice | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Французский луковый суп |
image = File:Onion_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mushroom soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-4 = {{RI Chanterelle |
amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Грибной суп |
image = File:Mushroom_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Stew |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-6 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-7 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
component-8 = {{RI Chanterelle}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Рагу |
image = File:Stew.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tomato soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Томатный суп |
image = File:Tomato_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tomato blood soup |
component-1 = {{RI Blood | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Томатный кровяной суп |
image = File:Tomato_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Wing fang chu |
component-1 = {{RI Soysauce | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Xeno Cutlet | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Крылышко фан чу |
image = File:Wing fang chu.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Wing fang chu spider |
component-1 = {{RI Soysauce | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Spider Meat | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Крылышко фан чу |
image = File:Wing fang chu.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Vegetable soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-4 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-6 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Овощной суп |
image = File:Vegetable soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown tears soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-4 = {{Recipe Component |
item = Осколок стекла |
image = File:Shard Glass.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Слёзы клоуна |
image = File:Clown tears soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Monkeys delight |
component-1 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt}} |
component-3 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Blackpepper}} |
component-4 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-5 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-6 = {{RI MonkeyCube}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Радость Мартышки |
image = File:Monkeys delight.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Herb Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Apple}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Herb Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Valid Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-4 = {{RI Meatball}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Valid Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Coleslaw |
component-1 = {{RI Vinaigrette | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Red Onion}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Coleslaw}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Caesar Salad |
component-1 = {{RI OilOlive | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-5 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
component-6 = {{RI Red Onion Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Caesar Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Citrus Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Orange}} |
component-3 = {{RI Lemon}}|
component-4 = {{RI Lime}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Citrus Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Kimchi Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Vinegar | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
component-5 = {{RI Garlic}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Kimchi}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Fruit Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Orange}} |
component-3 = {{RI Apple}} |
component-4 = {{RI Grape}} |
component-5 = {{RI WatermelonSlice | amount=2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Fruit Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Jungle Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-3 = {{RI Apple}} |
component-4 = {{RI Grape}} |
component-5 = {{RI WatermelonSlice | amount=2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Тропический салат |
  image = File:Jungle Salad.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Watermelon Fruit Bowl |
component-1 = {{RI Watermelon}} |
component-2 = {{RI Apple}} |
component-3 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-4 = {{RI Lemon}} |
component-5 = {{RI Orange}} |
component-6 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Фруктовый арбузный боул |
  image = File:Watermelon Fruit Bowl.png}}
=== <center>Закуски</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cuban Carp |
component-1 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RIDough}} |
component-4 = {{RI Raw Carp Fillet | amount = 2 }} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cuban Carp}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Sashimi |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=1}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Carp Fillet | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Sashimi}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Loaded Baked Potato |
component-1 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Loaded Baked Potato}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Space Fries |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Potato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Space Fries}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheesy Fries |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cheesy Fries}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Carrot Fries |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Carrot}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Carrot Fries}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Popcorn |
component-1 = {{RI Corn}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Popcorn}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Queso |
component-1 = {{RI Chili |
amount = 1}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Queso}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Enchiladas |
component-1 = {{RI Chili | amount = 2}} |
component-2 = {{RI Corn | amount = 1}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw cutlet | amount = 1}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 20}} |
result = {{RI Enchiladas}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = BBQ Ribs |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=BbqSauce|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Skewer}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Рёбрышки барбекю|image=File:Ribs.png}}|
=== <center>Шашлык</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мясной Шашлык |
  image = File:Meat Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Hawaiian Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw Cutlet}} |
component-4 = {{RI Pineapple Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Гавайский Шашлык |
  image = File:Hawaiian Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Fiesta Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-4 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-5 = {{RI Raw Cutlet}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Праздничный Шашлык |
  image = File:Fiesta Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Rat Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо крысы |
  image = File:Meat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Крысиный Шашлык |
  image = File:Rat Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Double Rat Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо крысы |
  image = File:Meat.png |
  amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 20}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Двойной Крысиный Шашлык |
  image = File:Double Rat Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Human Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Туловище человека |
  image = File:TorsoHuman.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шашлык из человечины |
  image = File:Human Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lizard Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо ящерицы |
  image = File:Lizard.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шашлык из хвоста ящерицы |
  image = File:Lizard Kebab.png}}
=== <center>Прочее</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Suppermatter |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Nitrogen|amount={{{amount|10}}}}}  |
component-2 = {{RI Plasma(Reagent) | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 30}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cake Batter | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Suppermatter}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Donk Pocket |
component-1 = {{RI Donk Pocket Any}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Donk Pocket Any Warm}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = LeavesTobaccoDried |
component-1 = {{RI LeavesTobacco}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI LeavesTobaccoDried}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = LeavesCannabisDried |
component-1 = {{RI LeavesCannabis}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI LeavesCannabisDried}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = AloeCream |
component-1 = {{RI Aloe}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI AloeCream}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Amanita Jelly |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Vodka | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Fly Amanita | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Amanita Jelly}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Moldy Bread Slice |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Fly Amanita}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Moldy Slice}}
== Соусы & Продукты ==
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.5em">
{{#invoke:Chemistry Lookup|buildboxes|Foods}}

Версия от 09:58, 27 мая 2023

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  • Рецепты актуальны на 16 мая 2023

Данная статья по сути является справочником рецептом. За общей информацией, что из себя представляет роль шеф-повара, читайте соответствующую статью


Тесто и основные ингредиенты

Vegan Cake Batter
Dough Slice
Bread Bun
5 сек.


10 сек.
Banana Bread
Corn Bread
10 сек.


Cream Cheese Bread
Sasuage Bread
Tofu Bread
Buttered Toast
Jelly Toast
Two Slice


Plain Burger
Five Alarm Burger
Appendix Burger
Baseball burger
Clown burger
Mime Burger
Tofu Burger
Xeno burger
Сrab burger
Human Burger
Empowered Burger
Jelly Burger


Mushroom Pizza



15 сек.
Apple Cake
Carrot Cake
Lemon Cake
5 сек.
Orange Cake
Lime Cake
Cheese Cake
Clown Cake
Birthday Cake
Chocolate Cake
Brain Cake
Slime Cake
5 сек.

Печенье, вафли и блины

Итальянская кухня

Pasta Tomato
Spaghetti And Meatballs
Butter Noodles
Rice And Pork
10 сек.


115 сек.
Penguin Filet
140 сек.
Cooked Chicken
140 сек.
Cooked Duck
115 сек.
Lizard Steak
140 сек.
Filet Migrawr
140 сек.
Cooked Crab
115 сек.
Cooked Goliath
140 сек.

Супы и рагу

Salty Sweet Miso Cola Soup
15 сек.
Cold Chili


Loaded Baked Potato
Space Fries
Carrot Fries
5 сек.


Meat Kebab


Donk Pocket
5 сек.
10 сек.
10 сек.
10 сек.
Moldy Bread Slice

Соусы & Продукты


Бесцветная жидкость, необходимая человекам для выживания.
На вид прозрачное.
Утоляет жажду.


Непрозрачная белая жидкость, вырабатываемая молочными железами млекопитающих.
На вид непрозрачное.
Утоляет жажду.

Питательные вещества

Все необходимые организму витамины, минералы и углеводы в чистом виде.
На вид непрозрачное.
Утоляет голод.

Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Твёрдые, маленькие белые зёрнышки.
На вид жевательное.


Приготовлен из томатного пюре с добавлением специй.
На вид пикантное.

Столовая соль

Хлорид натрия, широко известный как соль, часто используется в качестве пищевой приправы или для мгновенного уничтожения мозговых червей.
На вид зернистое.
Утоляет жажду.

Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 265: attempt to index field 'damage' (a nil value).

Сероорганическое соединение, содержащееся в растениях-аллиумах, таких, как чеснок, лук и других.
На вид жгучее.


Так называемый Русский соус, популярный среди космо-американцев.
На вид соусное.

Непрожаренные животные протеины
Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 265: attempt to index field 'damage' (a nil value).

Крайне опасны для желудков более слабых форм жизни.
На вид комковатое.


Простая горчица жёлтого цвета, изготовленная из семян горчицы.
На вид густое.

Соевый соус

Солёная приправа на основе сои.
На вид солёное.
Утоляет жажду.
Утоляет голод.


Из лучших сортов какао-бобов.
На вид порошкообразное.
Утоляет голод.


Вкуснейший сироп, получаемый из древесного сока, и который по своим свойствам липче клея.
На вид липкое.
Утоляет голод.

Соус барбекю

Салфетки в комплект не входят.
На вид вязкое.

Универсальный фермент

Используется в приготовлении различных блюд.
На вид меловое.

Винегретная заправка

Простая заправка для салатов, приготовленная из масла, уксуса и приправ.
На вид кислое.

Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Используется в выпечке.
На вид порошкообразное.
Утоляет жажду.

Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 265: attempt to index field 'damage' (a nil value).

Содержатся в здоровом, полноценном питании.
На вид меловое.
Утоляет голод.

Кукурузная мука
Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Используется в выпечке.
На вид порошкообразное.
Утоляет жажду.

Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 265: attempt to index field 'damage' (a nil value).

Также известные как белки. Содержатся в некоторых блюдах, полезны для здоровья организма.
На вид комковатое.
Утоляет голод.

Смешной сироп

Продукт отжима смешного горошка. Он шипуч и, похоже, меняет вкус в зависимости от того, с чем его употребляют!
На вид смешное.

Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Используется для различных вкусных целей.
На вид грубое.

Мякоть тыквы

Кашеобразные, сладкие остатки тыквы.
На вид непрозрачное.
Утоляет голод.


Пакетик душистого хрена.
На вид очень мощное.

Холодный соус

Заставляет язык онеметь.
На вид холодное.

Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Часто используется как приправа к пище.
На вид кислое.

Сырое яйцо
Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Используется в выпечке.
На вид слизеподобное.

Оливковое масло
Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Вязкое и ароматное.
На вид масляное.

Чёрный перец

Часто используется как приправа к пище, или чтобы заставить людей чихать.
На вид зернистое.


Вкусный космический сахар!
На вид сладкое.
Утоляет голод.


Слаще тысячи ложек сахара, но без калорий.
На вид сахаристое.

Кукурузное масло

Кукурузное масло. Вкусное масло, используемое в готовке. Изготавливается из кукурузы.
На вид масляное.

Острый соус

Вкус просто огонь.
На вид острое.


Жирный соус, приготовленный из масла, яиц, и какой-либо (пищевой) кислоты.
На вид густое.

Сливочное масло
Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Предположительно, сливочное!
На вид сливочное.

Капсаициновое масло
Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 265: attempt to index field 'damage' (a nil value).

Капсаициновое масло - это ингредиент, содержащийся в различных сортах острого перца.
На вид масляное.


Используется поварами для приготовления пищи.
На вид масляное.

Приготовленное яйцо
Food (0.5 единиц в секунду)
Добавляет 0 Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Chemistry_Lookup на строке 9: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)..

Приготовленный зародыш курицы, вкусно.
На вид пушистое.