Готовка: различия между версиями

Материал из Space Station 14 Вики
Откат (картинки не умею =( )
Метка: ручная отмена
Отмена правки 11156, сделанной LinkUyx (обсуждение)
Метки: замена отмена отменено
Строка 1: Строка 1:
<div style="margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
тут был loadin?
<div style="margin-bottom: 0; border: .2em solid; border-bottom: 0 solid; border-radius: .3em; border-color: #755406; text-align: center; background-color: #B77108;">
[[File:Wrench and crowbar.png|50px]]'''СТРАНИЦА НАХОДИТСЯ В РАЗРАБОТКЕ'''[[File:Wrench and crowbar.png|50px]]</div>
<div style="margin-top: 0; border-left: .2em dashed; border-right: .2em dashed; border-bottom: .3em solid; border-color: #755406; border-radius: 0 0 .3em .3em;">
* Редакторы вики ведут работу над данной статьёй. Ответственный [[Участник:Figleo | kcepokc#2939]]
* При желании, вы можете создать/войти в учётную запись и тоже принять участие в улучшении статьи.
* Текущие замечания: ----
* Рецепты актуальны на <b>16 мая 2023</b>
Данная статья по сути является справочником рецептом. За общей информацией, что из себя представляет роль шеф-повара, читайте [[Шеф-повар | соответствующую статью]]
== <center>Рецепты</center> ==
=== <center>Тесто и основные ингредиенты</center> ===
This is a bit complex due to the heavy styling, but just stick your recipe at the end and it'll center it and everything for you.
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Flour |
component-1 = {{RI Wheat}} |
transformer = {{Grinder}} |
result = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Dough |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RIDough}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cornmeal Dough |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Cornmeal|amount=15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Кукурузное тесто|image=File:Dough_Cornmeal.png}}|
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pie Dough |
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 12}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-3 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Pie Dough}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheese |
component-1 = {{RI Universal Enzyme |
amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 40}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Головка сыра|image=File:Cheese_Wheel.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tofu |
component-1 = {{RI Soy Milk | amount = 30}} |
component-2 = {{RI Universal Enzyme |
amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Tofu}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meatball |
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI UAP | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Meatball}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cake Batter |
component-1 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 12}}  |
component-3 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Cake Batter}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Vegan Cake Batter |
component-1 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Soy Milk | amount = 15}} |
component-3 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Cake Batter}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Dough Slice |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
transformer = {{Knife}} |
result = {{RI Dough Slice}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bread Bun |
component-1 = {{RI Dough Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave |
time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Bread Bun}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Butter |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 30}} |
transformer = {{Chemistry}} |
result = {{RI Butter}}
=== <center>Хлеб</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Baguette |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-3 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Blackpepper|amount=5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Багет|image=File:Baguette.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Banana Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Banana}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Banana Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Corn Bread |
component-1 = {{Recipe Component|item=Кукурузное тесто|image=File:Dough_Cornmeal.png}}|
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Кукурузный хлеб|image=File:Corn_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cream Cheese Bread |
component-1 = {{RI Milk | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RIDough}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cream Cheese Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Мясной хлеб|image=File:Meat_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mimana Bread |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=MilkSoy|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Nothing|amount=5}} |
component-3 = {{RIDough}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tofu}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Хлеб Мимана|image=File:Mimana_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Sasuage Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Сосисочный хлеб|image=File:Sasuage_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Spider Meat Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component|item=Сырая паучья котлета|image=File:Spider_Cutlet.png|amount=2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Хлеб из паучьего мяса|image=File:Spider_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tofu Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Tofu}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Tofu Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Xeno Meat Bread |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Xeno Cutlet | amount=2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Хлеб из ксено-мяса|image=File:Xeno_Bread.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Buttered Toast |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Тост с маслом|image=File:Buttered_Toast.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = French Toast |
component-1 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 12}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Сладкие гренки|image=File:French_Toast.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Garlic Bread Slice|
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Garlic}} |
component-3 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Garlic Bread}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Jelly Toast |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Amanita Jelly}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Желейный тост|image=File:Jelly_Toast.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Two Slice |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Wine|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Slice | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Два ломтика|image=File:Two_Slice.png}}
=== <center>Бургеры</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Plain Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Бургер  |
  image = File:Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Ratburger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо крысы |
  image = File:Meat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Крысобургер  |
  image = File:Ratburger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Roburger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Конденсатор |
  image = File:Capacitor.png |
  amount = 2 }} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Робобургер  |
  image = File:Roburger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Soylent burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Соевые бобы |
  image = File:Soybeans.png |
  amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Сойлент бургер  |
  image = File:Soylent_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Spell burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шляпа мага |
  image = File:HatWizard.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Заколдованный бургер  |
  image = File:Spell_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheeseburger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Cheeseburger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Five Alarm Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
component-3 = {{RI Chili | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Острый бургер |
image = File:Острый_бургер.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Big Bite Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-5 = {{RI Onion Slice | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Big Bite Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chicken Sandwich|
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Mayo|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw Chicken Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Chicken Sandwich}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Duck Sandwich|
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Duck Meat}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Duck Sandwich}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Fillet -o- Carp Burger|
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Carp Fillet }} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Fillet -o- Carp Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Brain Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Мозг человека |
  image = File:OrganHumanBrain.png}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Брaйн бургер |
  image = File:Brain Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Appendix Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI OrganHumanAppendix}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Appendix Burger}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bacon burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Бургер с беконом |
  image = File:Bacon Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Baseball burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Бейсбольная бита |
  image = File:BaseBallBat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Хоум-ран бургер |
  image = File:Baseball Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cat burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Кошачьи ушки |
  image = File:Catears.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Котбургер |
  image = File:Cat Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Маска клоуна |
  image = File:Clown mask.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Clownburger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mime Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шапка мима |
  image = File:ClothingHeadHatBeret.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мим бургер |
  image = File:Mime_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tofu Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component|item=кусок тофу|image=File:Tofu_Slice.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Tofu Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Xeno burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun | amount = 1}} |
component-2 = {{RI Xeno Meat | amount = 1}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Xenoburger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bearger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bear_Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Bearger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Сurger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat_Corgi}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Curger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Сrab burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Crab Meat | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Краббургер |
  image = File:Crab_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Сrazy hamburger |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=OilOlive| amount=15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meat | amount = 2}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
component-5 = {{RI Chili | amount = 1}} |
component-6 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
component-7 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Зеленый мелок |
  image = File:Crayon_Green.png}} |
component-8 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Аварийный фальшфейер |
  image = File:Аварийный Фальшфейер.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Безумный гамбургер |
  image = File:Crazy_hamburger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Ghost burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Простыня-призрак |
  image = File:GhostSheet.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Призрачный бургер |
  image = File:Ghost_Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Super Bite Burger |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 3}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 3}} |
component-6 = {{RI Egg | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 25}} |
result = {{RI Super Bite Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Human Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Человеческое мясо |
  image = File:Meat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Челбургер |
  image = File:Human Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Empowered Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плазма |
  amount = 2 |
  image = File:Plasma single.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Empowered Burger}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Jelly Burger |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Amanita Jelly}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Желе бургер |
  image = File:Jelly Burger.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mcguffin |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Макгаффин  |
  image = File:Mcguffin.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = McRib |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Bun}} |
component-2 = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Рёбрышки барбекю  |
  image = File:Ribs.png}} |
component-3 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Макриб  |
  image = File:McRib.png}}
=== <center>Пицца</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Margherita Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | }} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 4}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Margherita Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mushroom Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chanterelle |
amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave |time = 25}} |
result = {{RI Mushroom Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Meat Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Vegetable Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave |time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Vegetable Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Hawaiian Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Chicken Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Pineapple Slice | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Hawaiian Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Dank Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Dank Pizza}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Donk Pocket Pizza |
component-1 = {{RIDough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Donk Pocket Any Warm | amount = 3}} |
<!-- Currently only accepts original Donk-Pockets, not any flavour -->
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Donk Pizza}}
=== <center>Пироги</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Apple Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Apple | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Яблочный пирог|
  image = File:Apple Pie.png}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мясной пирог|
  image = File:Meat Pie.png}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Xeno Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Xeno Meat | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Ксено пирог|
  image = File:Xeno Pie.png}} |
{{Recipe Box |
name = Banana Cream Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Banana | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Banana Cream Pie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Amanita Pie |
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Fly Amanita}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Форма для пирога |
  image = File:Pie Tin.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Amanita Pie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Grape Tart|
component-1 = {{RI Pie Dough}} |
component-2 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Grape | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Виноградный тарт |
  image = File:Grape Tart.png}}
=== <center>Торты</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake Batter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cake}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Apple Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Apple |  amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Яблочный торт |
  image = File:Apple Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Carrot Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Carrot | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Морковный торт |
  image = File:Carrot Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lemon Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Лимон |
  amount = 3 |
    image = File:Lemon.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Лимоный торт |
  image = File:Lemon Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Orange Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Orange | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Апельсиновый торт |
  image = File:Orange Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lime Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Lime | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Лаймовый торт |
  image = File:Lime Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheese Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cream| amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Чизкейк |
  image = File:Cheese Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Маска клоуна |
  image = File:Clown mask.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Клоунский торт |
  image = File:Clown Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Birthday Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cream| amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Праздничный торт |
  image = File:Birthday Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chocolate Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плитка шоколада |
  amount = 2 |
    image = File:Chocolate Bar.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Шоколадный торт |
  image = File:Chocolate Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Brain Cake |
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{ Recipe Component |
  item = Мозг человека |
  image = File:OrganHumanBrain.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мозговой торт |
    image = File:Brain Cake.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Slime Cake|
component-1 = {{RI Cake}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
item = Слизь |
  amount = 15 |
  image = File:Beaker.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Слаймовый торт |
  image = File:Slime Cake.png}}
=== <center>Печенье, вафли и блины</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pancake|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Pancake}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chocolate Chip Pancake|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плитка шоколада |
  amount = 1 |
    image = File:Chocolate Bar.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Chocolate Chip Pancake}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Waffles|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Soda Water | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Waffles}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Soy Waffles|
component-1 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Soy Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Soda Water | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Soy Waffles}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Плитка шоколада |
  amount = 1 |
    image = File:Chocolate Bar.png}} |
component-4 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Cookie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Sugar Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Sugar Cookie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Raisin Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Изюм "4no raisins"|
  image = File:4no raisins.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Raisin Cookie}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Oatmeal Cookie|
component-1 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Oats | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Oatmeal Cookie}}
=== <center>Итальянская кухня</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Boiled Spaghetti|
component-1 = {{RI Large Plate}} |
component-3 = {{RI Flour | amount = 15}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-4 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pasta Tomato|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Spaghetti}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Spaghetti And Meatballs|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meatball | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Spaghetti And Meatballs}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Butter Noodles|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Butter}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Butter Noodles}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chow Mein|
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Spaghetti}} |
component-2 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-5 = {{RI Egg}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Chow Mein}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Oatmeal |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Oats | amount = 15}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Oatmeal}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Boiled Rice |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Rice | amount = 15}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Boiled Rice }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Rice Pudding |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Rice | amount = 15}} |
component-3 = {{RI Milk | amount = 10}} |
component-4 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 5}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Rice Pudding  }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Rice And Pork |
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Rice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Rice And Pork }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Black-eyed Gumbo |
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Rice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Chili | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Black-eyed Gumbo }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Egg-fried Rice |
component-1 = {{RI Boiled Rice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-3 = {{RI Egg}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Egg-fried Rice }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Copypasta|
component-1 = {{RI Spaghetti | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Copypasta}}
=== <center>Стейки</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Steak |
component-1 = {{RI Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 115}} |
result = {{RI Steak}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Penguin Filet|
component-1 = {{RI Penguin Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Penguin}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Chicken |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Chicken Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Chicken}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Duck |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Duck Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 115}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Duck}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lizard Steak|
component-1 = {{RI Lizard Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Lizard Steak}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Filet Migrawr|
component-1 = {{RI Bear Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Filet Migrawr}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Crab |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Crab Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 115}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Crab}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cooked Goliath |
component-1 = {{RI Raw Goliath Meat}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 140}} |
result = {{RI Cooked Goliath}}
=== <center>Супы и рагу</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Pelmeni |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 20 }} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meatball}} |
component-4 = {{RI Dough Slice| amount = 3 }} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Пельмени |
  image = File:Pelmeni.png | }}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Bisque |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-4 = {{RI Chanterelle}} |
component-5 = {{RI Raw carp fillet}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Bisque}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meatball Soup |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Meatball}} |
component-4 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Meatball Soup}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Nettle Soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Egg (reagent) | amount = 6}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-4 = {{RI Nettle}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Nettle Soup}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Eyeball Soup|
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-5 = {{RI OrganHumanEyes}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Eyeball Soup}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Salty Sweet Miso Cola Soup |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component |
  reagent = Cola | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component|
  item = Мисо суп |
  image = File:Miso soup.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Солено-сладкий мисо-кольный суп|
  image = File:Salty Sweet Miso Cola Soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Hot Chili |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw cutlet | amount = 1}} |
component-4 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 20}} |
result = {{RI Bowl of Hot Chili}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cold Chili |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl of Hot Chili}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Nitrogen|amount={{{amount|5}}}}}  |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Bowl of Cold Chili}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown's Tears |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-4 = {{Recipe Component|item=BikeHorn|image=File:BikeHorn.png|amount={{{amount|1}}}}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Clown's Tears}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Chili Con Carnival |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw Cutlet}} |
component-4 = {{RI Onion Slice}} |
component-5 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-6 = {{ Recipe Component |
item = Клоунские ботинки |
image = File:Clown shoes.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{Chili Con Carnival}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Onion soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Onion Slice | amount = 5}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Французский луковый суп |
image = File:Onion_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Mushroom soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Milk | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-4 = {{RI Chanterelle |
amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Грибной суп |
image = File:Mushroom_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Stew |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw cutlet | amount = 3}} |
component-4 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-6 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-7 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
component-8 = {{RI Chanterelle}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Рагу |
image = File:Stew.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tomato soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Томатный суп |
image = File:Tomato_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Tomato blood soup |
component-1 = {{RI Blood | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Томатный кровяной суп |
image = File:Tomato_soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Wing fang chu |
component-1 = {{RI Soysauce | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Xeno Cutlet | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Крылышко фан чу |
image = File:Wing fang chu.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Wing fang chu spider |
component-1 = {{RI Soysauce | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Spider Meat | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Крылышко фан чу |
image = File:Wing fang chu.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Vegetable soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-4 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-5 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-6 = {{RI Eggplant}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Овощной суп |
image = File:Vegetable soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Clown tears soup |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 10}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-4 = {{Recipe Component |
item = Осколок стекла |
image = File:Shard Glass.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Слёзы клоуна |
image = File:Clown tears soup.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Monkeys delight |
component-1 = {{RI Flour | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt}} |
component-3 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Blackpepper}} |
component-4 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-5 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-6 = {{RI MonkeyCube}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
item = Радость Мартышки |
image = File:Monkeys delight.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Herb Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Apple}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Herb Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Valid Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris | amount = 3}} |
component-3 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-4 = {{RI Meatball}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Valid Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Coleslaw |
component-1 = {{RI Vinaigrette | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Red Onion}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Coleslaw}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Caesar Salad |
component-1 = {{RI OilOlive | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-3 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cheese}} |
component-5 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
component-6 = {{RI Red Onion Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Caesar Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Citrus Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Orange}} |
component-3 = {{RI Lemon}}|
component-4 = {{RI Lime}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Citrus Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Kimchi Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Vinegar | amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-3 = {{RI Carrot}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cabbage.png}} |
component-5 = {{RI Garlic}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Kimchi}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Fruit Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Orange}} |
component-3 = {{RI Apple}} |
component-4 = {{RI Grape}} |
component-5 = {{RI WatermelonSlice | amount=2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Fruit Salad}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Jungle Salad |
component-1 = {{RI Bowl}} |
component-2 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-3 = {{RI Apple}} |
component-4 = {{RI Grape}} |
component-5 = {{RI WatermelonSlice | amount=2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Тропический салат |
  image = File:Jungle Salad.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Watermelon Fruit Bowl |
component-1 = {{RI Watermelon}} |
component-2 = {{RI Apple}} |
component-3 = {{RI Banana}} |
component-4 = {{RI Lemon}} |
component-5 = {{RI Orange}} |
component-6 = {{RI Ambrosia Vulgaris}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item =  Фруктовый арбузный боул |
  image = File:Watermelon Fruit Bowl.png}}
=== <center>Закуски</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cuban Carp |
component-1 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RIDough}} |
component-4 = {{RI Raw Carp Fillet | amount = 2 }} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cuban Carp}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Sashimi |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=1}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Carp Fillet | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Sashimi}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Loaded Baked Potato |
component-1 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Loaded Baked Potato}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Space Fries |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Potato}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Space Fries}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Cheesy Fries |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Potato}} |
component-3 = {{RI Cheese}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Cheesy Fries}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Carrot Fries |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=TableSalt|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Carrot}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Carrot Fries}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Popcorn |
component-1 = {{RI Corn}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Popcorn}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Queso |
component-1 = {{RI Chili |
amount = 1}} |
component-2 = {{RI Cheese | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{RI Queso}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Enchiladas |
component-1 = {{RI Chili | amount = 2}} |
component-2 = {{RI Corn | amount = 1}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw cutlet | amount = 1}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 20}} |
result = {{RI Enchiladas}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = BBQ Ribs |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=BbqSauce|amount=5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Meat | amount = 2}} |
component-3 = {{RI Skewer}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component|item=Рёбрышки барбекю|image=File:Ribs.png}}|
=== <center>Шашлык</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Meat Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{RI Raw Cutlet | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Мясной Шашлык |
  image = File:Meat Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Hawaiian Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Raw Cutlet}} |
component-4 = {{RI Pineapple Slice}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Гавайский Шашлык |
  image = File:Hawaiian Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Fiesta Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{RI Chili}} |
component-3 = {{RI Tomato}} |
component-4 = {{RI Corn}} |
component-5 = {{RI Raw Cutlet}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Праздничный Шашлык |
  image = File:Fiesta Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Rat Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо крысы |
  image = File:Meat.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Крысиный Шашлык |
  image = File:Rat Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Double Rat Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо крысы |
  image = File:Meat.png |
  amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 20}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Двойной Крысиный Шашлык |
  image = File:Double Rat Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Human Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Туловище человека |
  image = File:TorsoHuman.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шашлык из человечины |
  image = File:Human Kebab.png}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Lizard Kebab |
component-1 = {{RI Skewer}} |
component-2 = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Сырое мясо ящерицы |
  image = File:Lizard.png}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 15}} |
result = {{Recipe Component |
  item = Шашлык из хвоста ящерицы |
  image = File:Lizard Kebab.png}}
=== <center>Прочее</center> ===
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.2em">
{{Recipe Box |
name = Suppermatter |
component-1 = {{Chem Recipe Component|reagent=Nitrogen|amount={{{amount|10}}}}}  |
component-2 = {{RI Plasma(Reagent) | amount = 10}} |
component-3 = {{RI Sugar | amount = 30}} |
component-4 = {{RI Cake Batter | amount = 2}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 30}} |
result = {{RI Suppermatter}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Donk Pocket |
component-1 = {{RI Donk Pocket Any}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Donk Pocket Any Warm}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = LeavesTobaccoDried |
component-1 = {{RI LeavesTobacco}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI LeavesTobaccoDried}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = LeavesCannabisDried |
component-1 = {{RI LeavesCannabis}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI LeavesCannabisDried}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = AloeCream |
component-1 = {{RI Aloe}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI AloeCream}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Amanita Jelly |
component-1 = {{RI Water | amount = 5}} |
component-2 = {{RI Vodka | amount = 5}} |
component-3 = {{RI Fly Amanita | amount = 3}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 10}} |
result = {{RI Amanita Jelly}}
{{Recipe Box |
name = Moldy Bread Slice |
component-1 = {{RI Bread Slice}} |
component-2 = {{RI Fly Amanita}} |
transformer = {{Microwave | time = 5}} |
result = {{RI Moldy Slice}}
== Соусы & Продукты ==
<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; gap: 0.5em">
{{#invoke:Chemistry Lookup|buildboxes|Foods}}

Версия от 10:01, 27 мая 2023

тут был loadin?