Материал из Space Station 14 Вики
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local p = {} -- Функция для загрузки данных станков local function loadLatheData() return mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.title.new("User:IanComradeBot/prototypes/lathe.json"):getContent()) end -- Функция для загрузки данных рецептов local function loadRecipeData() return mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.title.new("User:IanComradeBot/prototypes/lathe/recipes.json"):getContent()) end -- Функция для загрузки данных исследований local function loadResearchData() return mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.title.new("User:IanComradeBot/prototypes/research.json"):getContent()) end -- Функция для загрузки данных материалов local function loadMaterialData() return mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.title.new("User:IanComradeBot/prototypes/materials.json"):getContent()) end -- Функция для загрузки данных химических веществ local function loadChemData() return mw.text.jsonDecode(mw.title.new("User:IanComradeBot/chem prototypes.json"):getContent()) end -- Функция для форматирования времени local function format_seconds_to_short_string(input_seconds) local minutes = math.floor(input_seconds / 60) local seconds = input_seconds % 60 local minutes_part = minutes > 0 and (minutes .. " мин.") or nil local seconds_part = seconds > 0 and (seconds .. " сек.") or nil if minutes_part and seconds_part then return minutes_part .. " " .. seconds_part elseif seconds_part then return seconds_part elseif minutes_part then return minutes_part else return '0 сек.' end end -- Функция для сортировки рецептов local function sortRecipesByPriority(recipes) table.sort(recipes, function(a, b) local priority = { Static = 1, EMAG = 3 } local aPriority = priority[a.discipline] or 2 local bPriority = priority[b.discipline] or 2 if a.isEmag ~= b.isEmag then return not a.isEmag end if aPriority == bPriority then if a.tier == b.tier then return a.discipline < b.discipline end return a.tier < b.tier end return aPriority < bPriority end) end function p.main(frame) -- Подключение CSS local cssLink = frame:extensionTag('templatestyles', '', { src = 'Шаблон:Prototypes/Машина/Станок/styles.css' }) local latheId = frame.args[1] or "" if latheId == "" then return '<div style="color:red;">Не указан ID станка.</div>' end local latheData = loadLatheData() local recipeData = loadRecipeData() local researchData = loadResearchData() local materialData = loadMaterialData() local chemData = loadChemData() local lathe = nil for _, data in ipairs(latheData) do if data.id == latheId then lathe = data break end end if not lathe then return '<div style="color:red;">Станок с ID "' .. latheId .. '" не найден.</div>' end local materialMapping = {} for _, material in ipairs(materialData) do materialMapping[material.material.id] = material.material.stackEntity end local chemMapping = {} for id, chem in pairs(chemData) do chemMapping[id] = chem.name end local out = cssLink local recipes = {} local function getRecipeDetails(recipeId) for _, recipe in ipairs(recipeData) do if recipe.id == recipeId then return recipe.latheRecipe end end return nil end local function findInResearch(recipeId) for _, research in ipairs(researchData) do if research.technology and research.technology.recipeUnlocks then for _, unlock in ipairs(research.technology.recipeUnlocks) do if unlock == recipeId then return { name = research.technology.name, tier = research.technology.tier, discipline = research.technology.discipline } end end end end return nil end -- Обработка staticRecipes if lathe.Lathe.staticRecipes then for _, recipeId in ipairs(lathe.Lathe.staticRecipes) do local recipe = getRecipeDetails(recipeId) if recipe and recipe.result then table.insert(recipes, { result = recipe.result, completetime = recipe.completetime, materials = recipe.materials, discipline = "Static", tier = 0 }) elseif recipe and recipe.resultReagents then for reagent, amount in pairs(recipe.resultReagents) do local reagentName = chemMapping[reagent] or reagent table.insert(recipes, { result = reagentName .. "|amount=" .. amount .. "ед.|mode-chem=1", completetime = recipe.completetime, materials = recipe.materials, discipline = "Static", tier = 0 }) end else out = out .. '<div style="color:red;">Ошибка: Рецепт с ID "' .. recipeId .. '" не найден или поля result/resultReagents отсутствуют.</div>' end end end -- Обработка dynamicRecipes if lathe.Lathe.dynamicRecipes then for _, recipeId in ipairs(lathe.Lathe.dynamicRecipes) do local recipe = getRecipeDetails(recipeId) if recipe then local researchInfo = findInResearch(recipeId) if researchInfo then table.insert(recipes, { result = recipe.result, completetime = recipe.completetime, materials = recipe.materials, discipline = researchInfo.discipline, tier = researchInfo.tier, researchName = researchInfo.name }) end end end end -- Обработка emagStaticRecipes if lathe.EmagLatheRecipes and lathe.EmagLatheRecipes.emagStaticRecipes then for _, recipeId in ipairs(lathe.EmagLatheRecipes.emagStaticRecipes) do local recipe = getRecipeDetails(recipeId) if recipe then table.insert(recipes, { result = recipe.result, completetime = recipe.completetime, materials = recipe.materials, discipline = "Static", tier = 0, isEmag = true }) end end end -- Обработка emagDynamicRecipes if lathe.EmagLatheRecipes and lathe.EmagLatheRecipes.emagDynamicRecipes then for _, recipeId in ipairs(lathe.EmagLatheRecipes.emagDynamicRecipes) do local recipe = getRecipeDetails(recipeId) if recipe then local researchInfo = findInResearch(recipeId) if researchInfo then table.insert(recipes, { result = recipe.result, completetime = recipe.completetime, materials = recipe.materials, discipline = researchInfo.discipline, tier = researchInfo.tier, researchName = researchInfo.name, isEmag = true }) end end end end sortRecipesByPriority(recipes) -- Таблица для перевода названий дисциплин local disciplineMapping = { Arsenal = "Арсенал", Industrial = "Промышленность", Experimental = "Экспериментальное", CivilianServices = "Обслуживание персонала" } -- Таблица для цветов по уровням local tierColors = { [1] = "#54d554", [2] = "#ed9000", [3] = "#d72a2a" } for _, recipe in ipairs(recipes) do out = out .. '{{Шаблон:Prototypes/Машина/Станок|product=' .. recipe.result out = out .. '|complete-time=' .. format_seconds_to_short_string(recipe.completetime) out = out .. '|materials=' if next(recipe.materials) then for material, amount in pairs(recipe.materials) do local stackEntity = materialMapping[material] or material local scaledAmount = amount / 100 out = out .. '<b>[[File:' .. stackEntity .. '.png|32x32px|link=]] ' .. scaledAmount .. ' {{#invoke:Entity Lookup|getname|' .. stackEntity .. '}}</b>' end else out = out .. 'Нет данных о материалах' end -- Информация об исследовании if recipe.discipline ~= "Static" then local tierColor = tierColors[recipe.tier] or "#FFFFFF" local disciplineName = disciplineMapping[recipe.discipline] or "Неизвестная дисциплина" out = out .. '|info=<div style="font-weight:600;">[[File:' .. recipe.discipline .. '.png|16x16px|link=]] [[Руководство по исследованию и разработке|' .. disciplineName out = out .. ']], уровень: <span style="color: ' .. tierColor .. '">' .. recipe.tier .. '</span> </div>' end -- Пометка при взломе EMAG if recipe.isEmag then out = out .. '|mode-emag=1' end -- Пометка для исследуемой технологии if recipe.discipline ~= "Static" then out = out .. '|mode-research=1' end out = out .. '}}' end return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(out) end return p